The New Water Farminary is a partnership between New Water Farms and Point University exists for the advancement of the Kingdom in all spheres of culture and life. Utilizing the agricultural landscape of New Water Farms and the common mission between New Water Farms and Point University, participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands on learning (experiential) for development in practical areas of vocation including leadership, community development, theological training, social justice, culinary and creation care. Faculty from each institution will lead short-term courses that combine onsite experiences at New Water with classroom lectures and discussion. Course work will be integrated by involving real life situations related to farming and food supply systems and thereby provide practicums and scenarios for providing solutions for best practices and outcomes. In addition, these relational activities resulting from learning, labor and shared culinary experiences will create community and relationship building for students, teachers, and the integration into their local community.
Potential Courses and Seminars
- Team Building
Teams, whether business, sports, or small groups, have the opportunity to stay at New Water and participate in activities ranging from service work groups on the farm to classroom lectures.
- The Role of Agriculture in Community Development
Small-scale agriculture can change a community’s dignity by establishing small gardens that provide access to fresh vegetables and can change diet/nutrition and the overall health of its residences. Learn how to start a garden, maintain it and operate it at a sustainable level.
- Business and Marketing
Pilot projects and business analysis of a small agricultural operation and non-profit can be used to fortify learning. Creating specific projects for students that utilize all aspects, from budgets to marketing to selling, of the farming operation to learn practical skills necessary in today’s job market.
- The Bible and Agriculture
Scripture is saturated with agriculture! Genesis begins in the garden (creation care), the Psalms are sprinkled with descriptions of farming and tilling the land and the majority of Jesus’ parables used common agricultural practices. What is the role of the Christian in modern agricultural methods and how are these applied both locally and globally? How does the Bible inform Christ followers to be engaged in the healthy production of food and distribution systems and what is their responsibility in living out a healthy work-life balance?
- The Christian and Retreat
New Water Farms is uniquely positioned to offer spiritual retreat as it sits on 23 acres on Lake Martin. Quiet settings are available for reflection and regeneration for those that need to step back and reorient themselves for renewal and effective engagement in their calling.